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Construction Logistics Plans

Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs), also referred to as Construction Management Plans (CMPs) and Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMPs), set out the strategy for managing and minimising the impacts of construction on the local and wider highway network. CLPs are often secured by planning condition with Outline CLPs prepared and submitted alongside the planning application to ensure that access and routing are considered from the outset.


FTP prepare both Outline and Full CLPs for residential, commercial and mixed-use schemes and provide innovative solutions for construction management in complex locations where timing of deliveries and routing is imperative.


CLPs are site specific and we tailor them to the needs of the development. Generally CLPs include the following as a minimum:


  • Route assessment between the site and the wider Strategic Road Network;

  • Swept path analysis for construction vehicles servicing the development site;

  • Guidance and recommendations on the layouts of construction sites during the phases of development;

  • Guidance on where, when and how the site can be serviced efficiently whilst minimising the impact on the surrounding area; and

  • Engagement with the Highway Authority to agree an acceptable management programme including planning condition approval.

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